About Me

Catching the Travel Bug

You could say my love of travel began at my earliest memory.  My father, an avid and self-confessed, obsessed fly fisherman, would have four to five weeks of vacation from work each year.  We never had a “stay-cation” we were always on the go.  Fancy and luxury vacations were not on the destination list but rather camping trips and in some cases staying in places that were not technically campgrounds.  My mother, who was an expert packer and planner, would gather everything needed, making the process look effortless and flawless, including preparing 5 course meals in the middle of the wilderness.  I loved these camping adventures, I would get butterflies in my stomach knowing that we were off on a new adventure and into nature.  Fancy vacations or trips to amusement parks were not necessary, simply being surrounded by nature was enough for me!  After getting married, my husband introduced me to other types of travel and over the past 20 years we have traveled to many places, we have seen numerous beautiful locations near home and in different parts of the world. Bottom line, travel has become part of my soul and my true passion! When I first met my husband, my father passed on his vast knowledge of fly fishing and now fishing is also included in our current travels. There are many amazing ways to to see the world; by land, where you can immerse yourself in the culture and take your time to explore. By train, where you can experience beautiful scenery at a relaxed and slower pace. However, my favorite way to see the world, by sea! Aboard a cruise ship you can see many destinations and have the comfort of your cruise ship cabin to always go back to at the end of the day. Either way, the idea is to get out in the world and see it!